Corinthian 416 AFM

"The Hidden Jewel of the 22nd Masonic District"

Regular Communication: second Tuesday of each month.

Meal at 6:30 Work at 7:30

Tressel Board!

This is our Calendar of upcoming events!


4th - District 22 FUNSPIRATIONAL!

11th - Catawba 56 - Master Mason Degree 1 Candidate Saturday, May 11 eat 7 AM. work 8 AM.

18th - Corinthian 416 Chicken Bog Fundraiser 5:30 - 6:30PM, $10 per plate. Dine-in or Carry-out. **POSTPONED**


8th – Alpine 208 host lodge -OUTDOOR DEGREE - 914 State Rd S-46-423 Clover, SC 29710 12pm Lunch, 1pm Work

14th - Grand Lodge AFM of South Carolina will be holding Georgia - South Carolina Exchange Meeting
At Augusta Ga Scottish Rite Center 2553 Washington Road Augusta , Georgia 30904.
Coat and Tie kindly make reservation before May 1st, 2024 by logging into your member portal.

If you see any incorrect dates or have items to add to our tressel board, please email our webmaster here.